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SCTA 100 Bird Sporting Registered Competition
Sunday 14th of July 2019
No need to book, but please be aware the grounds and other facilities will be closed to non-competitors.
Entries from 9.30am, with shooting commencing at 10.30am. Last entries at 1pm.
Scoring and buttoning will be done by a qualified referee
Entry Fees:
Competition Entry: £45
Junior Competition Entry: £38
Guest (Birds Only): £40
Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners of Classes AA, A, B, C and the High Gun
Please don’t forget to register before the event with SCTA or the CPSA if you wish to shoot competition . Remember eye and ear protection is mandatory. A selection of cartridges are available to buy on the day. If you have any queries please contact the Braidwood Reception Team on: 01835 870 280