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Prizes are awarded to the First Round & Overall High Gun and to the winners of Classes A, B, C, the Top Lady and Top Junior of our Club Members.
Non-Members are welcome to shoot and we now offer a Non-Members category; the High Gun in this category has the opportunity to join the Club, where the £25.00 membership joining fee is waived for one week only after the competition.
For Club Members to gain their classification, you need to shoot a minimum three Club Shoots. Using their average, a classification is calculated from the SCTA Sporting breakdowns. Members are re-classified every three months.
Entry Times:
Entries open at 11am and all score cards need to be in by 2.30pm to be counted.
Prices as follows:
Senior Member: £26.00 Junior Member: £22.00 (under 18)
Senior Non-Member: £30.00 Junior Non-Member: £25.00 (under 18)
Contact us on 01835 870 280 for further details.